

1. Contexto
La edad a la que va dirigida el teatro es de 5 a 6 años, porque  entienden la historia y tienen mayor amplitud de vocabulario.
2. Objetivos de la actividad
Fomentar el respeto hacía sus iguales.
Adquisición de nuevo vocabulario.
Aprender y respetar las normas.
3. Temporalización
Se llevaría a cabo al final de curso como fiesta de despedida del curso, con la visita de los padres para ver los teatros.
4. Las letras de las canciones, rimas o poemas y su audio
1-We place the silhouette of the house near the focus to imply that everything will happen from now will happen inside a house.

Talk Narrator: It was was once a beautiful young woman living with her stepmother and two stepsisters who did not want her and treated her badly. She cleaned and cleaned day and night.
Appears Cinderela sweeping and cleaning. After a while scolding her stepmother appears:
Stepmother: Cinderela, clean the floor and dishes and hurry!
Cinderela leaves the stage on one side and stepmother on the other.

2-Cleaning a plate "crying" and trumpets are heard because it comes emissary of Prince Cinderela appears. She runs off stage.
Emissary: I come from the prince and bring a statement for all young people of the kingdom: Prince is holding a dance where elect wife estaréis all invited.
Stepsisters appear screaming and the emissary leaves the stage.
Sisters: Well! Let's see the prince and conquer!
Start arguing with each other (I'll be your wife, not me!) While entering the stepmother and says:
Stepmother: What is going on here? Why do you cry so much?
The two stepsisters explain to his mother:
Sisters: Prince Eric is holding a dance where you will choose a wife, we go! We want to go!

3-Appears Cinderela sitting crying and suddenly the fairy godmother appears and she is surprised.

Fairy Godmother: Oh beautiful girl, do not cry, come with me I'll help you so you can go to the dance.
Then pumpkin appears on the scene with the bear and the fairy godmother says (didi dibadi DIBU) and squash and stuffed away and took the chariot and horse. Cinderella is surprised because she changed her dress (broken bag lisa bag).
Fairy Godmother: Cinderella, you have to promise that before the clock touch 12 pm be home.
Cinderella: Yes, before it reaches midnight I will return to my house, thank you very much.
Cinderela "rises" to the chariot and go to the dance, the clatter of horses sounds, the fairy's waves goodbye and wish luck. After leaving scene.

4-We placed  in front of the focus silhouette of the castle, because everything that will happen from there is inside the castle.
A stepsister dancing with the prince appears and then both surprised and appears Cinderela. The sister leaves the stage.
Prince approaches him and asks:
Prince: Oh beautiful young man, would I can dance with you?
Cinderela is so amazed that he does not answer and start to dance, a time, until the clock ticking twelve appears, and Cinderela runs away and says:
Cinderela: Sorry Prince Eric, it's time to go.
Prince: Do not go, do not run ...
Then Cinderela runs out the scene and the prince behind her and in that, you drop the shoe, Prince says while running (do not go ...), the two leave the stage.

5-Cinderela appears again with the torn dress, teddy and pumpkin, she gets to mourn. End of scene.

6-We put forward  focus silhouette of the house.
Prince appears Cinderela shoe in hand talking to her stepmother. He says:
Prince: I want to find the girl who wore this shoe at the ball to marry her.
Cinderela is so amazed that he does not answer and start to dance, a time, until the clock ticking twelve appears, and Cinderela runs away and says:
Stepmother: Right now call my two daughters because surely he is one of them.
The stepmother left the scene. And the two sisters come running to try on the shoe:
Stepsister 1: The shoe is mine.
The shoe is tested and is not worth and therefore leaves angry scene. Stepsister 2, the shoe is tested:
Stepsister 2: The shoe is mine.
Also leaves angry scene.
Then the prince sees Cinderela far that does not appear on stage but points the finger.
Prince: Come girl, I want you to try this shoe.
Cinderela appears. And the shoe test. Le worth perfectly.
Prince: Oh, I knew it was yours, in the dance I fell for you, kisses her hand.
Cinderela: No way, I'm just a humble servant.
Prince: Will you marry me?
Cinderela: Yes, yes.
They kiss. End of scene.
Narrator: Cinderela and Prince were married and lived happily in the castle. 

5. Metodología
El cuento será contado con entonación y con gestos, será de sombras, donde nosotras seremos los personajes.
Los objetos van a ser hechos por nosotras y van a representar los objetos que aparecen en la obra.
Será contado a través de una tela y un foco, donde nosotras como personajes nos reflejaremos.
6. Actividades
Antes de que los padres lleguen a la escuela, a los niños/as se les proporcionará una cartulina con una corona, dónde podrán pintarla como ellos quieran con pintura de dedo.
7. Vocabulario concreto que se quiere enseñar
Cenicienta => Cinderela.
Hada madrina => Fairy
Madrastra => Stepmother.
8. Vocabulario que se quiere repasar
Ratón => Mouse
Calabaza => Pumpkin
Caballos => Horse
9. Materiales necesarios
Cartón grande, tres peluches del mismo tamaño, espada de cartón, corona del roscón de reyes, bolsas de basura grandes, varita de cartón y cono de cartulina, confeti, cartón para las letras y para la calabaza y escoba de barrer, cartulinas, pinturas de dedo, foco, tela, cúter, tijeras, pegamento, celofán, silla, alas de cartón, fieltro, algodón.
10. Fuente
El cuento de la cenicienta
11. Variaciones
Las variaciones que va a tener este cuento, es que v a ser más corto y el diálogo va a ser sencillo y adaptado a los niños/as.

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